IF YOU'VE MADE IT this far, you and your venture have already been on quite a journey, whether it was founding a brand-new startup, creating a new product, or entering a new market. Let's take a moment to recap how we got here.

We began our exploration of the Startup Tactics methodology with foundations, including goal setting and systems. These goals help the venture stay focused on what truly must get done, skipping or postponing activities that don't help the business make progress toward reaching those goals. The systems enable us to track key metrics to measure our progress.

With the foundations in place, we moved forward to market testing. This begins with collecting additional market research. Based on those findings, we looked at how best to communicate the product's value proposition in a visual medium with assets, which provide the collateral for marketing and sales. To validate the efficacy of those assets and the resonance of our key messages, we use targeted digital advertising and outbound sales campaigns. These activities lead not just to confirmation that demand exists, but clarity regarding who the demand is from, which can inform what product should be built and any key requirements.

We then bring that product to life using product development tactics. Before actually building anything, we created a product roadmap to chart the course for the product over time, allowing us to set the plan for what to build and when to build it. We then tapped the ...

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