Examples treated using Matlab software
First example of Kalman filtering
The objective is to estimate an unknown constant drowned in noise.
This constant is measured using a noise sensor.
The noise is centered, Gaussian and of variance equal to 1.
The initial conditions are equal to 0 for the estimate and equal to 1 for the variance of the estimation error.
clear t=0:500; R0=1; constant=rand(1); n1=randn(size(t)); y=constant+n1; subplot(2,2,1) %plot(t,y(1,:)); plot(t,y,’k’);% in B&W grid title(‘sensor’) xlabel(‘time’) axis([0 500 -max(y(1,:)) max(y(1,:))]) R=R0*std(n1)^2;% variance of noise measurement P(1)=1;%initial conditions on variance of error estimation x(1)=0; for i=2:length(t) K=P(i-1)*inv(P(i-1)+R); x(i)=x(i-1)+K*(y(:,i)-x(i-1)); P(i)=P(i-1)-K*P(i-1); end err=constant-x; subplot(2,2,2) plot(t,err,’k’); grid title(‘error’); xlabel(‘time’) axis([0 500 -max(err) max(err)]) subplot(2,2,3) plot(t,x,’k’,t,constant,’k’);% in W&B title(‘x estimated’) xlabel(‘time’) axis([0 500 0 max(x)]) grid subplot(2,2,4) plot(t,P,’k’);% in W&B grid,axis([0 100 0 max(P)]) title(‘variance error estimation’) xlabel(‘time’)
Second example of Kalman filtering
The objective of this example is to extract a dampened sine curve of the noise.
The state vector is a two component column vector:
The system noise is centered, ...
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