Symbol Glossary
Each symbol or expression is listed with a short definition and the page number where it first occurs. The list is ordered by page number.
d | n | d divides n with no remainder 6 |
x ∈ S | x is an element of S 19 |
x ∉ S | x is not an element of S 19 |
… | ellipsis 19 |
∅ | the empty set 19 |
N | natural numbers 20 |
Z | integers 20 |
Q | rational numbers 21 |
R | real numbers 21 |
{x | P} | set of all x satisfying property P 21 |
A ⊆ B | A is a subset of B 21 |
A ⊂ B | A is a proper subset of B 21 |
A ∪ B | A union B 24 |
A ∩ B | A intersection B 25 |
A − B | difference: elements in A but not B 27 |
A ⊕ B | symmetric difference: (A − B) ∪ (B − A) 27 |
A′ | complement of A 28 |
|A| | cardinality of A 30 |
[a, b, b, a] | bag, or multiset, of four ... |
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