Chapter 11

Section 11.1

1. a. {a, b}.

c. {a, Λ, b, bb, ... , bn, ... }.

e. {a, b, ab, bc, abb, bcc, ... , abn, bcn, ... }.

2. a. a + b + c. c. ab* + ba*. e. Λ + a(bb)*. g. Λ + c*a + bc*. i. a*bc*.

3. 0 + 1(0 + 1)*.

4. a. (aa + ab + ba + bb)*. c. (a + b)*aba(a + b)*.

5. a. (ab)*. c. a (a + b)*.

6. a.


c. By using property 7 of (11.1.1g) the subexpression (a + bb*a)* of the left side can be written (a*bb*a)*a*. So the left expression has the following form:

ab*a(a + bb*a)*b = ab*a(a*bb*a)*a*b.

Similarly, the subexpression (b + aa*b)* of the right side of the original equation can be written as b*(aa*bb*)*. So the right expression has the following form:

a(b + aa ...

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