(5, 3) biorthogonal filter pair

applied to an image, 382

(5, 3) biorthogonal spline filter pair, 378380, 434, 436, 440, 447, 454, 460, 471, 475

in JPEG 2000, 469470

in lifting, 460

signal compression, 390

(8, 4) biorthogonal filter pair, 382

(8, 4) biorthogonal spline filter pair, 383

(9, 7) biorthogonal spline filter pair, 394, 403

derivative conditions, 394

Fourier series, 394

derivative conditions, 403


Adelson, Edward, 370


BWT1D1, 414

HWA, 191

HWT1D, 181

HWT1D1, 169

HWT2D, 195

HWT2D1, 192

HWTB, 192

IBWT1D1, 433

IBWTht, 430

IHT1D, 182

IHWT1D1, 170

IHWT2D1, 193

IWHT2D, 196

IWT1D1, 277

IWTht, 276

LWT1D1, 479

WT1D1, 270

modified biorthogonal transformation, 452

modified biorthogonal wavelet transformation, 439

modified inverse biorthogonal transformation, 449

modified inverse biorthogonal wavelet transformation, 453

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), 50, 52, 7071, 88

analysis gain bits, 473

antisymmetric filter, 370

applications first approach, xiv

applications of wavelets, 4

arithmetic coding, 474

averages block, 164


Bartle, Robert, 111

base step size, 473

basis, 110

Bell, Amy, 74

Berger, Jonathan, 5

Bezout’s theorem, 405

proof, 406

biased estimator, 494

bi-infinite sequences, 127128, 135, 140

binary form, 50

binomial coefficient, 125126, 264, 299

binomial theorem, 125, 404

biorthogonal filter pair, 282, 352353, 358, 370371, 378, 393, 407


associated wavelet filter pair, 379

(8, 4), 382

(9, 7), 394

associated wavelet filters, ...

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