Markov Model Inferencing in Distributed Systems

Chen Lu

Clemson University

Jason M. Schwier

Clemson University

Richard R. Brooks

Clemson University

Christopher Griffin

The Pennsylvania State University

Satish Bukkapatnam

Oklahoma State University

26.1    Introduction

26.2    Hidden Markov Models

26.3    Inferring HMMs

Baum–Welch AlgorithmCSSR AlgorithmZero-Knowledge HMM Identification

26.4    Applications

26.5    Conclusion



26.1    Introduction

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are a common tool in pattern recognition. Applications of HMMs include voice recognition [1,2], texture recognition [3], handwriting recognition [4,5], gait recognition [6], tracking [7], and human behavior recognition [8,9]. Variations ...

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