List of Abbreviations
AAA | Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting |
AAL | Ambient Assisted Living |
ABF | Array-Based Beamforming |
AC | Alternative Current |
ACORD | Appliance Coordination |
ACK | Acknowledgement |
ADC | Analogue to Digital Converter |
ADV | Advertisement Message |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
AFN | Aggregation-and-Forwarding Node |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AM | Ante Meridiem |
ANK | Multiple Negative ACK |
AMR | Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive |
AODV | Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing |
AOT | Agent Objective Tasks |
AOWSN | Application-Oriented Wireless Sensor Network |
AP | Access Point |
API | Application Program Interface |
APS | Application Support |
ARM | Advanced RISC Machine |
ASIC | Application-Specific Integrated Circuit |
ATT | Agent Task Table |
AUV | Autonomous underwater Vehicle |
BCG | Ballisto-CardioGrams |
BIR | Biomedical Imaging Resource |
BMS | Building Management Server |
BP | Blood Pressure |
BS | Base Station |
BST | Body Surface Temperature |
CAD | Computer Aided Design |
CBF | Collaborative Beamforming |
CBR | Case-Based Reasoning |
CC-MAC | Correlation-based Collaborative MAC |
CCA | Cooperative Collision Avoidance |
CCD | Charge-Coupled Device |
CD | Congestion Degree |
CDUA | Convergence, Divergence and Ubiquitous Access |
CH | Cluster Head |
CMOS | Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor |
CNP | Contract Net Protocol |
COP | Common Operational Picture |
CODA | Congestion Detection and Avoidance |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Checking |
CSMA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access ... |