Chapter 5
Getting the Right DIY Super Advice
In This Chapter
Demanding clarity from advisers
Craving independent advice
Choosing the right expert/s for your DIY super fund
Appointing a fund administrator
Making a complaint about your DIY super adviser
M ost Australians seek some type of professional advice at different stages in their life — they may visit doctors for medical conditions, lawyers for estate planning and property conveyancing, and accountants for tax advice.
An increasing number of Australians now recognise that when planning for retirement, they may need an expert eye to review their savings plans. If you’re running a self-managed super fund (SMSF), you’re more likely than most to seek out experts to assist you with your retirement planning — including planning for what happens to your savings after you’re gone (for information on looking after your family, see Chapter 24). I cover your main advice options in this chapter.
Keeping It Clear and Simple
Superannuation ...
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