© Ben Lopatin 2020
B. LopatinDjango Standalone Appshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5632-9_8

8. Creating a basic package

Ben Lopatin1 
New York, NY, USA

The last item left in taking a Django app and making it standalone is turning it into an installable package. This itself is a rich topic which we’ll revisit in more depth in Chapter 18, but for now our goal is to meet the minimum requirements to make a simple Django app installable from outside the Django project.

An example blog app

The simple blog app has been used for countless tutorials and examples, and where it would otherwise be stale, here it lets us focus on the new features as a working standalone app.

We’ll go into greater detail about setting up a package in Section 4, but this will ...

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