dnscmd Server Commands

You can view the settings for a name server by using the /Info command. Likewise, you can use the /Config command to change any of these settings. (Table 14-1 provides a complete list of supported settings.) Commands are also available to configure the addresses the server listens on (/ResetListenAddresses), configure forwarding (/ResetForwarders), initiate scavenging (/StartScavenging), clear the server cache (/ClearCache), and view DNS utilization statistics (/Statistics).

/Info [<PropertyName>]

This command displays the DNS server settings. These settings are stored under the following registry key:


If you run this command without other options, all settings and their values are displayed. Alternatively, you can display a single setting by specifying the name of the setting after the command.

This example displays the ForwardingTimeout setting on matrix:

C:\> dnscmd matrix /info ForwardingTimeout
/Config /<PropertyName> <PropertyValue>

This command sets a server setting. The first parameter should be the name of the property you want to set, followed by the value.

This example shows how to change the /ForwardingTimeout setting to 3 (seconds) on matrix:

C:\> dnscmd matrix /config /ForwardingTimeout 3
/ResetListenAddresses [<ServerIPAddresses>]

By default, the Microsoft name server listens for client requests on all networks to which it is directly connected. With this command, you can limit the networks that the ...

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