It’s a fascinating and humbling experience to write about how to do big things. Consistently, as we observed teams, interviewed leaders and team members, and sharpened the focus on how these people were able to achieve epic outcomes, we learned. While bringing this book to you, the gift given to us has been significant. Every team’s and leader’s story inspired us.

As we translated their experiences and wisdom into these pages, repeatedly we found ourselves identifying what we can do ourselves to become even more effective team, community, and family members. The two decades it’s taken to put this work together have been filled with remarkable and transformative awe.

We are indebted to many. In particular, we want to give special recognition to our teammate, Theresa Letman, who shepherded this project from start to finish while completing a myriad of other responsibilities. As well, we’re grateful to Lacey McMahan, who led the efforts for our graphics, some key endorsements, and marketing. While it’s impossible to acknowledge the hundreds of others who have played a role in doing this big thing, we’re particularly grateful to the following for supporting our efforts:

Our client partners are the reason we get to do big things. Their inspiration activates the best in us. Without their willingness to share these stories and their wisdom with the world, this book wouldn’t be in your hands. We remain as committed to their success as we are to our own.

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