

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    1. account creation

    2. EC2 instance

      1. creation

      2. Docker

      3. IP address

      4. key pair

      5. launch button

      6. security group

      7. stable Ubuntu server

      8. t2.micro type

    3. inbound rules

    4. key pair

      1. configuration

      2. control panel

      3. EC2 dashboard

      4. import

      5. SSH key

    5. process

    6. security group pane

  2. Anaconda


  1. Bessel function

  2. Big data


  1. Cloud-based version-control system

  2. Containerization

    1. application

    2. virtualize processes


  1. Daemonized Hello World

  2. Data infrastructure

    1. DecisionTreeClassifier

    2. jupyter/scipy-notebook image

    3. KNeighborsClassifier

    4. limitations

    5. LogisticRegression

    6. memory exception

      1. creation

      2. default values

      3. make_classification import

      4. MemoryError

      5. memory footprint

      6. notebook

      7. Python kernel

      8. running notebook

    7. models

    8. monitor memory usage

    9. T2.micro

  3. Data store technologies

    1. Docker data volumes and persistence

      1. connecting containers via legacy ...

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