Docker in Action video edition

Video description

In Video Editions the narrator reads the book while the content, figures, code listings, diagrams, and text appear on the screen. Like an audiobook that you can also watch as a video.

"In this book, Jeff goes from zero to Docker, showing practices of deploying Docker in production and demonstrating many features of Docker."
Ahmet Alp Balkan, Microsoft

Docker in Action teaches you how to create, deploy, and manage applications hosted in Docker containers. After starting with a clear explanation of the Docker model, you will learn how to package applications in containers, including techniques for testing and distributing applications. You will also learn how to run programs securely and how to manage shared resources. Using carefully designed examples, the book/course teaches you how to orchestrate containers and applications from installation to removal. Along the way, you'll discover techniques for using Docker on systems ranging from dev-and-test machines to full-scale cloud deployments.

The idea behind Docker is simple. Create a tiny virtual environment, called a container, that holds just your application and its dependencies. The Docker engine uses the host operating system to build and account for these containers. They are easy to install, manage, and remove. Applications running inside containers share resources, making their footprints small.

  • Packaging containers for deployment
  • Installing, managing, and removing containers
  • Working with Docker images
  • Distributing with DockerHub
To follow the book you need only have a working knowledge of the Linux OS. No prior knowledge of Docker is assumed.

A software engineer, Jeff Nickoloff has presented Docker and its applications to hundreds of developers and administrators at Desert Code Camp,, and technology meetups.

All there is to know about Docker. Clear, complete, and precise.
Jean-Pol Landrain, Agile Partner Luxembourg

A compelling narrative for real-world Docker solutions. A must-read!
John Guthrie, Pivotal, Inc.

An indispensable guide to understanding Docker and how it fits into your infrastructure.
Jeremy Gailor, Gracenote

Will help you transition quickly to effective Docker use in complex real-world situations.
Peter Sellars, Fraedom


Table of contents

  1. Part 1. Keeping a Tidy Computer
    1. Chapter 1. Welcome to Docker
    2. Chapter 1. Containers are not virtualization
    3. Chapter 1. What problems does Docker solve?
    4. Chapter 1. Why is Docker important?
    5. Chapter 1. Example: “Hello, World”
    6. Chapter 2. Running software in containers
    7. Chapter 2. Running interactive containers
    8. Chapter 2. Solved problems and the PID namespace
    9. Chapter 2. Eliminating metaconflicts: building a website farm
    10. Chapter 2. Container state and dependencies
    11. Chapter 2. Building environment-agnostic systems
    12. Chapter 2. Environment variable injection
    13. Chapter 2. Building durable containers
    14. Chapter 2. Keeping containers running with supervisor and startup processes
    15. Chapter 2. Cleaning up
    16. Chapter 3. Software installation simplified
    17. Chapter 3. Finding and installing software
    18. Chapter 3. Docker Hub from the website
    19. Chapter 3. Images as files
    20. Chapter 3. Installation files and isolation
    21. Chapter 3. Layer relationships
    22. Chapter 3. Benefits of this toolset and file system structure
    23. Chapter 4. Persistent storage and shared state with volumes
    24. Chapter 4. Using volumes with a NoSQL database
    25. Chapter 4. Volume types
    26. Chapter 4. Docker-managed volumes
    27. Chapter 4. Sharing volumes
    28. Chapter 4. The managed volume life cycle
    29. Chapter 4. Advanced container patterns with volumes
    30. Chapter 4. Data-packed volume containers
    31. Chapter 5. Network exposure
    32. Chapter 5. Docker container networking
    33. Chapter 5. Closed containers
    34. Chapter 5. Bridged containers
    35. Chapter 5. Opening inbound communication
    36. Chapter 5. Modifying the bridge interface
    37. Chapter 5. Joined containers
    38. Chapter 5. Inter-container dependencies
    39. Chapter 5. Environment modifications
    40. Chapter 6. Limiting risk with isolation
    41. Chapter 6. CPU
    42. Chapter 6. Shared memory
    43. Chapter 6. Understanding users
    44. Chapter 6. Users and volumes
    45. Chapter 6. Adjusting OS feature access with capabilities
    46. Chapter 6. Stronger containers with enhanced tools
    47. Chapter 6. Build use-case-appropriate containers
  2. Part 2. Packaging Software for Distribution
    1. Chapter 7. Packaging software in images
    2. Chapter 7. Reviewing file system changes
    3. Chapter 7. Going deep on Docker images and layers
    4. Chapter 7. Reintroducing images, layers, repositories, and tags
    5. Chapter 7. Exporting and importing flat file systems
    6. Chapter 7. Versioning best practices
    7. Chapter 8. Build automation and advanced image considerations
    8. Chapter 8. A Dockerfile primer
    9. Chapter 8. File system instructions
    10. Chapter 8. Injecting downstream build-time behavior
    11. Chapter 8. Using startup scripts and multiprocess containers
    12. Chapter 8. Building hardened application images
    13. Chapter 8. SUID and SGID permissions
    14. Chapter 9. Public and private software distribution
    15. Chapter 9. Publishing with hosted registries
    16. Chapter 9. Publishing public projects with automated builds
    17. Chapter 9. Introducing private registries
    18. Chapter 9. Manual image publishing and distribution
    19. Chapter 9. Image source distribution workflows
    20. Chapter 10. Running customized registries
    21. Chapter 10. Introducing the V2 API
    22. Chapter 10. Enhancements for centralized registries
    23. Chapter 10. Configuring HTTPS (TLS) on the reverse proxy
    24. Chapter 10. Adding an authentication layer
    25. Chapter 10. Client compatibility
    26. Chapter 10. Durable blob storage
    27. Chapter 10. Scaling access and latency improvements
    28. Chapter 10. Integrating through notifications
  3. Part 3. Multi-Container and Multi-Host Environments
    1. Chapter 11. Declarative environments with Docker Compose
    2. Chapter 11. A complicated architecture: distribution and Elasticsearch integration
    3. Chapter 11. Iterating within an environment
    4. Chapter 11. Scale and remove services
    5. Chapter 11. Starting a new project: Compose YAML in three samples
    6. Chapter 11. Volume containers and extended services
    7. Chapter 12. Clusters with Machine and Swarm
    8. Chapter 12. Building and managing Docker Machines
    9. Chapter 12. Configuring Docker clients to work with remote daemons
    10. Chapter 12. Introducing Docker Swarm
    11. Chapter 12. Swarm extends the Docker Remote API
    12. Chapter 12. Swarm scheduling
    13. Chapter 12. Fine-tune scheduling with filters
    14. Chapter 12. Scheduling with BinPack and Random
    15. Chapter 12. Swarm service discovery
    16. Chapter 12. Looking forward to multi-host networking

Product information

  • Title: Docker in Action video edition
  • Author(s): Jeff Nickoloff
  • Release date: March 2016
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: None