16Professional Goals

Somewhere in my head I have spidergrams for the rest of my life. As I look towards the future, I keep in mind what I want to achieve in each of the key areas of my life: my family, my company and myself. These areas are all interlinked because they are interdependent. I wouldn't be able to support my family without continuing to run a successful business; I wouldn't be able to run a successful business if I didn't take care of my health – mental and physical.

I am ambitious for my company, but I want to grow in the right way; in the smartest way. At the time of writing, as I have mentioned before, I have just taken the business through a major rebrand, and we have been renamed “Dynamo.” I know this was a challenging transition for some of my team, and perhaps some of our lenders and customers, but I felt it went smoothly and was an overall success. I believe it was absolutely necessary for us to stay competitive and ahead of the curve.

Evolution is natural and necessary, in every area of our lives, but especially in business. You cannot survive if you don't evolve, because you will be overtaken by the competition. I often think of growing my company as being like building an Iron Man. It's not just about making something bigger; it's about making it faster and more efficient; more powerful. At the end of the day, every company needs to increase its profit margins if it wants to stay ahead of the curve and be a viable business, and that means moving with ...

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