Chapter 27. Using Audio on Your Web Page


  • Digital audio fundamentals

  • Music files overview

  • MP3 mini-primer

  • Linking and embedding sound

  • Streaming audio

  • Incorporating podcasts

Web sites tend to be divided into two categories: those totally without sound, and those that use a lot of it—there's not much middle ground. Many music and entertainment sites rely heavily on both streaming audio and downloadable audio files, such as MP3.

In this chapter, you learn how to use audio in the Web pages you design with Dreamweaver. You look at traditional digital audio formats such as AIFF and WAV, and how you can turn these into files suitable for publishing on the Web, in formats such as MP3 and RealAudio. You also examine music formats, such as standard MIDI files and QuickTime Music. Finally, you'll learn how to link to an individual podcast as well as a podcast feed.

Lest you forget that you're dreamweaving here, you also look at some Dreamweaver extensions you can use to get audio-enabled sites up and running in no time. But before you leap into those deep waters, it's a good idea to get an overview of digital audio and its place on the Web.


Because the primary technologies for distributing streaming audio are also the primary technologies for streaming video, you may find it helpful to familiarize yourself with the Big Three streaming media technologies—RealMedia, QuickTime, and Windows Media—introduced in Chapter 26.

Digital Audio Fundamentals

Digital audio files are digitized representations ...

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