Chapter 25
Inserting Flash Elements
In This Chapter
- Getting to know Flash
- Using Flash in Dreamweaver
- Editing Flash movies
- Inserting a Shockwave movie
Animated splash screens, sound-enabled banners, button bars with special fonts, and other exciting web elements are often built with Adobe’s Flash. Flash combines vector graphics and streaming into great-looking, very-low-bandwidth files that can be viewed in a browser using the Flash Player plugin. Flash’s vector graphics have also turned out to be just the thing for web-based animations. Over a number of versions, Flash morphed into a solid application platform, with player implementations in cell phones, handheld devices, and even billboards. Although Flash has taken its knocks in the mobile arena, a huge base of installed web-based players remains, and Flash is still a popular way to liven up a web page, particularly for a non-mobile website.
As you might expect, Adobe makes it easy to incorporate Flash files into your Dreamweaver projects. All these formats have special objects that provide control over nearly all their parameters through the Property inspector—and each format is cross-browser compatible by default. To take full advantage of the enhanced graphics potential of Flash, you need to understand the various parameters available to each format. In addition to covering this material, this chapter shows you how to use independent controls—both inline and with frames—for your Flash movies.
This chapter also covers related ...