Chapter 2. Obtaining and Installing Drupal


  • Obtaining the Drupal installation files

  • Installing Drupal locally

  • Installing Drupal on a Web host

Getting started with Drupal is easy. The installer is freely available for download and in some cases may already be part of your Web-hosting package. In either case, you typically need to go through a setup process before you can start working on configuring the site and adding the contents.

The Drupal installer includes a wizard-style interface that enables you to create a complete installation by simply clicking through a series of steps and providing some information. After you have finished the steps, your installation is complete and your new Drupal-powered Web site is ready to use.

This chapter looks at the basics of obtaining the Drupal files you need and getting them installed on your server.

Getting the Installation Files

The official Drupal installation files come bundled in a single compressed archive file. Although you can download this archive from several different sources, I strongly recommend that you obtain your code only from the official Drupal site. There are multiple reasons for this recommendation: First, by going to the official site, you are assured of downloading the most recent version. Second, the official archives are trustworthy and highly unlikely to contain dangerous or malicious code. Third, you can be assured that the archive contains a complete set of the official components.


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