Chapter 9. DOM Events Index

Entries in the following index are arranged alphabetically by scriptable object event type. Look up an event type to find out which objects support it. This listing is a union of events defined for objects in Internet Explorer, pre-Mozilla Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Safari, Opera, and the W3C DOM Levels 2 and 3. When an event type in its latest incarnation applies to all HTML element objects, the listing indicates that fact without repeating the list of all object names.

The same event handler name may mean different things for different objects. Be sure to look up the details of the event listings in Chapter 2, to find if the event handler is available for the browser(s) used by your intended audience and whether it does what you want. Details of the events themselves are in Chapter 3. All event types are listed here in all lowercase and without the “on” prefix that need to be added when used as object properties or attaching events in Internet Explorer.


img, object


All rendered element objects, document, window


body, frameset, window


a, bdo, button, div, frame, iframe, img, input (checkbox), input (hidden), input (password), input (radio), input (text), label, legend, marquee, rt, ruby, select, span, textarea


All rendered element objects, document, window


a, abbr, acronym, address, area, b, bdo, big, blockquote, caption, center, cite, code, dd, dfn, dir, div, dl, dt, em, fieldset, form, ...

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