
<TEXTAREA> — NN all IE all HTML all



End Tag: Required

The TEXTAREA element is a multiline text input control primarily for usage inside FORM elements (required in Navigator). Unlike the text type INPUT element, a TEXTAREA element can be sized to accept more than one line of text. Word-wrapping is available on more recent browsers, and users may enter carriage return characters (a combination of characters ASCII decimal 13 and 10) inside the text box. When a TEXTAREA element is inside a submitted form, the name/value pair is submitted, with the value being the content of the text box (and the NAME attribute must be assigned). The CGI program on the server must be able to handle the possibility of carriage returns in the text data.

If you wish to display text in the TEXTAREA element when it loads, that text goes between the start and end tags; otherwise, there are no intervening characters in the source code between start and end tags. A label for the TEXTAREA element must be placed before or after the element, and may, optionally in newer browsers, be encased in a LABEL element for structural purposes.


<TEXTAREA ROWS=5 COLS=60 NAME="notes">Use this area for extra notes.

Object Model Reference













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