
. (directory self pointer), 444

.. (parent directory), 444

action attribute, 188

active display style, 58

Active Pages, 17

Active server pages, 17

Active Server Pages (ASP), 17

Adobe Flash, 66

Advertisements, 100

AJAX, 504511

applying XSL, 509510

auto completion, 504507

file upload, 520523

file upload tool, 523

http requests, 510511

JavaScript support, 504

verify address, 519520

what is, 504

alert method, 241

Aliasing images, 6667

Alignment, 25

default, 39

text, 4546

Alpha channels, in PNG format, 66

Angle brackets (< >), 30, 35


setInterval, 255

setTimeout, 255

Anti-aliasing images, 6667

Apache Web server, 440458

components, 440

configuration, 451458

directives, 452453

file deflation, 460461

install, 463467 ...

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