Chapter 18
Mobile eBay Apps and Fun Features
In This Chapter
Looking for good deals locally with Milo
Picking up on eBay Bucks: the loyalty program
Spreading cheer with eBay Gift Cards
Doing business on the road with the eBay App
Buying for a good cause
Although eBay is a site where we buy and sell, there are a few extras that make participating on the site a whole lot more fun. In this chapter, I familiarize you with my favorites.
The Loyalty Program for Shoppers eBay Bucks
Personally, I’m a fan of loyalty programs; they keep my attention as a customer. For the uninitiated, a loyalty program is a cashback, discount, or bonus program designed by a brand to reward their loyal customers — to keep you coming back. Usually the more you spend, the better the bonuses.
That’s how it works with eBay Bucks. If you begin to spend regularly on the site and pay through PayPal, no doubt you’ll come up on eBay’s radar and they’ll send you an invitation; see Figure 18-1. If you’re not at that point ...
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