Chapter 10
Make It Sell: Completing the Cyber Paperwork
In This Chapter
Getting ready to set up your listing
Choosing your item category
Writing your item description
Deciding on your options
Making changes after your item is listed
It's time to make some money. Are you ready? Yes? (Call it an inspired guess.) You're on the threshold of adding your items to the hundreds of thousands that go up for sale on eBay every day (and perhaps also shedding from your home some of the valuable things you haven't touched in years). Some listings are so hot that the sellers quadruple their investments. Other items, unfortunately, are so stone cold that they may not even register a single bid.
In this chapter, I explain the facets of the Sell Your Item pages — the page you fill out to get your auction going (or item selling) on eBay. You get some advice that can increase your odds of making money, and you find out the best way to position your item so buyers can see it and bid on it. I also show ...
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