Chapter 39. It's All About PayPal Protection

In This Practice

  • Understanding PayPal Protection Plans

  • Protecting the seller

  • Protecting the buyer

It seems that the longer I write about eBay and e-commerce, the louder a recurring theme seems to sound: Protection. The more we do business in the cyber-world, the more protection we need to keep our privacy safe: to keep us safe from scammers and to see that our hard-earned money remains in our pockets. (See Practice 33 for information on how to avoid identity theft.) This practice is about how PayPal protects the seller and the buyer when using their services for payment processing.

Both buyers and sellers get protection when using PayPal — and PowerSellers deal with both sides of that equation. So the first order of business is to see how sellers are protected in transactions done through PayPal.

PayPal Seller Protection

PayPal wants to protect sellers, so they will continue to process their payments through the system. It's a simple fact of business — keeping your customers safe helps keep your business safe. To PayPal, the Seller is the customer. Of course, you also have some protection against unwarranted claims made on your eBay sales; it's called Seller Protection. (More about that in a minute.)

To check out the buyers, PayPal confirms through AVS (Address Verification Service) that the buyer's credit card billing address matches the shipping address; PayPal gives you the option not to accept payments from buyers whose addresses don't match. ...

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