Appendix A. Where to Learn More
eBay evolves almost daily. One day you find a new checkbox in Advanced Search; the next day you find a category change when you're listing an item; the day after that, there's a new feature in your My eBay page. With workshops, one-day listing sales, promotions and contests, tweaks of familiar features like Search and Sell Your Item, and more, there's always something new to learn.
This chapter shows you where to go to stay current and learn the latest strategies for making the most of your time on eBay. Here's what it covers:
eBay updates
eBay Radio (and other radio programs of interest)
Offsite auction news
Auction software reviews
Further education
eBay Updates
In its ongoing quest to become the perfect online marketplace, eBay is constantly tweaking the site: adding new categories, putting mysterious checkboxes on the Sell Your Item form, creating search options that you didn't even know you wanted. Just when you think you've learned your way around, something changes—and you want to know why. To help eBayers keep up with what's going on, eBay posts frequent announcement bulletins to keep eBayers informed of changes, new features, and problems.
The three most recent announcement bulletins appear on your My eBay page. (To bring up your My eBay page: on the navigation bar, click My eBay and then sign in, if necessary.) But if you need to get caught up on announcements, or if you just know you read something in an announcement but you can't find ...
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