Chapter 6. Honing Your Competitive Edge
Over a million new listings appear on eBay every single day. Almost any keyword you search for, from Abercrombie to Xbox, returns tens of thousands of auctions listed by thousands of sellers. With all that competition, why should somebody buy your faux-zebra-print slipcovers and not some other seller's?
The answer: because you made your listing stand out from the crowd using the above-and-beyond strategies described in this chapter. (For the basic how-tos of selling, check out Chapter 5.)
Implementing the advice in this chapter can mean the difference between sluggish sales and bidding wars—between selling a couple of things and creating a profitable eBay business. Here you'll find tips for creating more enticing listings, building your reputation, promoting your auctions, avoiding the con artists who sometimes try to take sellers for a ride, and more:
Selling yourself with an About Me page.
Making your auctions irresistible.
Taking terrific photos.
Boosting your results with auction tips and tricks.
Sidestepping illegal (if tempting) practices.
Protecting your auctions from online scams.
It's All About You
You've probably noticed the blue-and-red word me that appears next to some eBayers' IDs. Clicking this word takes you to the eBayer's About Me page, a personal Web page within the eBay site where eBayers can talk about their families, interests, and hobbies; display photos; link to their eBay auctions, eBay Store (Section 7.3), and outside Web sites; ...
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