434 eClient 101 Customization and Integration
18.1 Isolating problems
Content Manager eClient is a complex application. You have to install and
configure many products before you are able to launch the logon window. For our
scenario, we installed and configured the following products:
򐂰 WebSphere Application Server
򐂰 IBM HTTP Server
򐂰 EIP components
򐂰 eClient
If you want to successfully import and retrieve documents from a back-end
server, such as the Content Manager server in our scenario, you have to install
and configure these additional products:
򐂰 DB2 Universal database
򐂰 DB2 text Information Extender (if you want text search feature)
򐂰 WebSphere Application Server
򐂰 Content Manager (Library Server and Resource Manager)
In such a complex environment, it is extremely important to isolate the problem
while you are doing troubleshooting. For example, if you have problems in the
Web server but you are troubleshooting in the WebSphere Application Server,
the problem will never be resolved. Before you can fix a problem, you have to
identify which product or products cause the problem.
18.2 Tracing eClient
To troubleshoot eClient, we can configure the location, trace level and size for
trace files by setting parameters in the IDM.properties file.
18.2.1 Configuring IDM.properties file
The WorkingDir parameter determines the location of the trace files. Set this
parameter to the full path for the directory that you want to contain the trace files.
For example, in a Windows environment, set the following parameter:
The TraceLevel parameter controls the trace level. You can set the trace level to
one of the following values in Table 18-1 on page 435.
Chapter 18. Troubleshooting and debugging 435
Table 18-1 The valid TraceLevel value
The trace file name is in the format eClientTrace_yyyy.mm.dd.log. For example,
the trace file eClientTrace_2003.05.01.log is an eClient activity trace on May 1,
2003. For each day when there are activities on the eClient server, you have at
least one log file. The log files are located in the directory defined in the
WorkingDir parameter. If you set the trace level to 4, you should have additional
EIP non-visual bean trace information in the eipBeanTrace.log file.
After you make changes in the IDM.properties file, you must stop and restart the
eClient application server to make the changes effective.
18.2.2 Sample log file
In this section, we show you an eClient trace file. We set TraceLevel=1 in the
IDM.properties file while the sample trace file is created.
To create the sample log file, we go through a simple login process and
deliberately supply the wrong password information:
1. Stop the eClient_Server application server.
2. Delete every file in the C:\CMeClient\logs directory.
3. Start the eClient_Server application server.
4. Open a Web browser and enter the following URL to display the eClient logon
5. Enter icmadmin and passwd to log on. Note that the password is incorrect.
6. A message window pops up and indicates that an incorrect user ID, password
or server name has been entered.
TraceLevel Description
0 Tracing off
1 Exceptions, and errors
2 Level 1 with the addition of general information, method entry,
and method exit points
3 Level 2 with the addition of API calls
4 Level 3 with the addition of EIP non-visual bean tracing
5 Performance tracing

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