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abstract class. An object-oriented programming
class that represents a concept; classes derived
from it represent implementations of the concept.
You cannot construct an object of an abstract class;
that is, it cannot be instantiated.
access control list. A list consisting of one or
more user IDs or user groups and their associated
privileges. You use access control lists to control
user access to items and objects in the Content
Manager system. You use access control lists to
control user access to search templates in the
Enterprise Information Portal system.
access control. The process of ensuring that
certain functions and stored objects can be
accessed only by authorized users in authorized
action list. An approved list of the actions, defined
by a system administrator or some other workflow
coordinator, that a user can perform in a workflow or
document routing process.
address. The unique code assigned to each
device or workstation connected to a network. See
also IP address.
admission control. The process used by the
server to ensure that its bandwidth needs are not
compromised by new asset requests.
ADSM. See Tivoli Storage Manager.
aggregate bandwidth. Total throughput, in
megabits per second, that moves through a server
or server subsystem.
alias. In the Internet, a name assigned to a server
that makes the server independent of the name of its
host machine. The alias must be defined in the
domain name server.
American National Standard Code for
Information Interchange (ASCII). The standard
code, using a coded character set consisting of 7-bit
coded characters (8 bits including parity check), that
is used for information interchange among data
processing systems, data communication systems,
and associated equipment. The ASCII set consists
of control characters and graphic characters.
analog video. Video in which the information that
represents images is in a continuous-scale electrical
signal for amplitude and time.
API. See application programming interface.
application programming interface (API). A
software interface that enables applications to
communicate with each other. An API is the set of
programming language constructs or statements
that can be coded in an application program to
obtain the specific functions and services provided
by the underlying licensed program.
application server. Software that handles
communication with the client requesting an asset
and queries of the Content Manager.
archive. Persistent storage used for long-term
information retention, typically very inexpensive for
each stored unit and slow to access, and often in a
different geographic location to protect against
equipment failures and natural disasters.
ASCII. See American National Standard Code for
Information Interchange.
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