Chapter 4. Using eClient 93
Figure 4-14 Folders - Paste items from e-clipboard
The documents are now contained in the folder you just created.
4.6 Document routing
The Content Manager Version 8 System Administration client allows you to
define a simple workflow for document routing. A
Node is a single step in a
workflow, a
process links different nodes into a workflow process, and a worklist
is used to gather work items from one or more nodes into a list of documents that
a user can view. For more information on building workflow nodes, processes,
and worklists, refer to IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms: System
Administration Guide, SC27-1335.
The workflow you create with the Content Manager System Administration client
application can be accessed from both the Content Manager Windows (thick)
client and from the eClient.
Note that the eClient and Content Manager support both the Document Routing
and Advanced Workflow functions. In June 2003, the Content Manager lab
announced that the Advanced Workflow function would likely undergo significant
changes in the future. If you plan to use Advanced Workflow, check with your
Content Manager representative to get the latest recommendations before
pursuing this path.
94 eClient 101 Customization and Integration
4.6.1 Adding documents to a workflow process
To add a document to a workflow, do the following:
1. Perform a document search.
2. Select one or more documents from the search results set.
3. Select Process document from the search results drop-down box
(Figure 4-15).
Figure 4-15 Document routing - Start document in a workflow process
4. Select Start Process. A window similar to Figure 4-16 on page 95, that
allows users to select which process to start for the selected documents,
Chapter 4. Using eClient 95
Figure 4-16 Document routing - Select process for document
5. A list of workflow processes is displayed in the process drop-down box.Select
the correct process and the priority. Click Next.
After adding the document to a workflow, the document is inserted into the first
node of the workflow. To access the document in the workflow nodes, use a
worklist. A worklist can include documents from a single node or multiple nodes,
and can prioritize the documents from different nodes.
A worklist can be accessed from the main eClient window as shown in
Figure 4-17 on page 96.
96 eClient 101 Customization and Integration
Figure 4-17 Main eClient window with access to worklists
If your eClient does not show the Worklists option, check the file
and make sure that the workFlowEnabled parameter is set to true as follows:
After changing the file, restart WebSphere to make the change
To work with worklists, do the following:
1. From the main eClient window, click Worklists. A window similar to
Figure 4-18 on page 97 appears.
Chapter 4. Using eClient 97
Figure 4-18 Worklist - Worklist selection window
2. Select the worklist you want to work with. In our sample workflow, the Review
with Customer worklist displays documents in the first node. Click Review
with Customer to obtain a list of documents in the worklist. A window
appears that shows a list of workflow actions that can be performed on a
document in the worklist (see Figure 4-19).
Figure 4-19 Worklist - Action options

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