124 eClient 101 Customization and Integration
6.1 Programming interface overview
The application programming interfaces (APIs) are a set of classes that access
and manipulate either local or remote data according to the architecture
described in 1.3, “Information Integrator for Content Version 8” on page 6.
The APIs support:
򐂰 A common object model for data access
򐂰 Multiple searches and updates across a heterogeneous combination of
content servers
򐂰 A flexible mechanism for using a combination of search engines such as the
Content Manager text search feature
򐂰 Workflow capability
򐂰 Text analysis capability (Information Mining Service)
򐂰 Document viewing capability
򐂰 Administration functions
򐂰 Client/server implementation for Java applications
You can choose from the following interfaces:
򐂰 C++ classes
򐂰 Java classes
򐂰 JavaBeans
򐂰 Controller servlet and JSP tag library
Because we focus on the APIs that can directly be used in J2EE applications
such as eClient, the C++ API is not discussed in detail; however, the C++ classes
are aligned with the Java classes and can therefore be used in a similar way.
The Java APIs can reside on both the EIP server and the client (both provide the
same interface). The client API communicates with the server to access data
through the network via Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation). Communication
between the client and the server is performed by classes; it is not necessary to
add additional programs.
Java classes consist of the following packages:
򐂰 server
򐂰 client
򐂰 cs
򐂰 common
Chapter 6. Creating applications with EIP 125
The client and server classes provide the same APIs, but have different
The server package is com.ibm.mm.sdk.server. The classes in the server
package communicate directly with the federated or back-end content server.
The client package is com.ibm.mm.sdk.client. The classes in the client package
communicate with the classes in the server package via RMI.
The common classes are shared by both the client and server.
Sometimes, an application does not know where the content resides. For
example, an application can have content residing on the client at one time and
on the server at another time. The cs package connects the client and server
dynamically depending on .ini file settings.
The client application must import the client package, the dynamic application
must import the cs package, and the server application must import the server
Although the same API is provided for the client and server, the client package
has an additional exception item because it communicates with the server
The EIP JavaBeans can be divided into:
򐂰 Non-visual Java beans
You can use the non-visual beans to build Java and Web client applications
that require a customized user interface. The non-visual beans support the
standard bean programming model by providing default constructors,
properties, events and a serializable interface. You can use the non-visual
beans in builder tools that support introspection.
򐂰 Visual Java beans
The visual beans are customizable, Swing-based, graphical user interface
components. Use the visual beans to build Java applications for Windows.
You can place them within windows and dialogs of Java-based applications.
Because the visual beans are built using the non-visual beans (as a data
model), you must use them in conjunction with the non-visual beans when
building an application.
The sample applications discussed in the following sections show how to create
applications with the Java APIs and the JavaBeans.
An example of visual and non-visual JavaBeans is the viewer toolkit, which
allows you to integrate document viewing capabilities in your application. It
consists of a generic document viewer, a document viewer bean and a document

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