Chapter 15. Siebel Integration 349
15.2.1 Installing Siebel Web templates
There are two Siebel Web templates (EIP81Applet.swt and EIP81Body.swt) in
the C:\CMeClient\integration\siebel directory (/CMeClient/integration/siebel
directory for AIX and Sun Solaris) after installing eClient, where /CMeClient is the
directory in which eClient is installed.
To complete the installation of Siebel Integration, you must copy both Web
templates into three directories on the Siebel machine:
where SIEBELROOT is the directory in which Siebel is installed.
15.3 Configuring eClient
After you install Siebel Integration for IBM Content Manager, you must configure
both the eClient and the Siebel CRM applications to make the two products work
15.3.1 Configuring eClient application server in WebSphere
Since eClient is a Web application server deployed in WebSphere Application
Server, you should ensure that the time-out session value is appropriately set
within WebSphere for the Siebel user community.
Before continuing the following steps, make sure that your WebSphere
Application Server V5.0 server1 is running.
1. On eClient server, launch WebSphere Application Server Administrative
console by selecting Start -> Programs -> IBM WebSphere -> Application
Server V5.0 -> Administrative Console.
2. In the left Navigator pane, select Servers -> Application Servers ->
eClient_Server -> Web Container -> Session Management.
3. Find the Session timeout field as shown in Figure 15-1 on page 350.
350 eClient 101 Customization and Integration
Figure 15-1 Set Session timeout in
WebSphere Application Server
4. Select Set Timeout, and set the value in minutes. This value must be at least
two minutes.
5. Click OK to apply the modification.
6. Click Save twice to save the change.
15.3.2 Configuring integration properties file
The Integration Properties file (hereafter referred to as the IP file) resides in the
c:\CMeClient directory on eClient server. It specifies property values that
configure your environment for integration with Siebel.
You may give the integration file any name you wish. The IP file name will be
included in the calculated field when you configure Siebel. If you want to change
the IP file name after configuring Siebel, make sure that you have the same
name in the Siebel configuration. A sample IP file is provided in
the c:\CMeClient directory.
By specifying values for the required fields in the integration property file, you
ensure that only the URL that originated from an authorized Siebel server has
access to unstructured data in the Content Manager servers. It also gives a look
and feel to Web pages generated by the eClient similar to the ones generated by
Chapter 15. Siebel Integration 351
1. Open the integration property file C:\CMeClient\ in a text
2. Four properties in the IP file are required:
– eClientToken
The eClientToken property is used to control access to the eClient server.
Siebel application uses an assembled URL to access eClient. The
eClientToken property is part of the assembled URL. When the URL is
sent to eClient, the eClient server then compares the token provided in the
URL with the token in the IP file. eClient only allows access to
unstructured data if these two tokens match.
The eClientToken property is case-sensitive. Valid characters are any of
the ISO8859-1 Latin 1 characters with the exception of the following
characters, which are reserved for use within the query string of a URL:
In our scenario, we set the parameter to token.
– type
The type property specifies the look and feel of Web pages that are
produced by the eClient JavaServer Pages. For Siebel Integration for IBM
Content Manager, set the type to 1.
– cssPrefix
The cssPrefix property specifies a file name prefix for the Cascading Style
Sheet file used by the eClient JavaServer Pages for integration with
Siebel. Set the cssPrefix
property to alt1.
– iconPrefix
The iconPrefix property specifies a file name prefix for the icon files used
by the eClient JavaServer Pages for integration with Siebel. Set the
iconPrefix property to alt1.
3. For the server, userid, and password properties, you can either specify them
in the IP file or specify them as arguments in the URL generated in Siebel. If
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