© Markus Duft 2018
Markus DuftEclipse TEA Revealedhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4093-9_12

12. TEA Build Library

Markus Duft1 
Peggau, Steiermark, Austria

The “Build Library” is a collection of pre-built Task implementations, which can be used in your own TaskChain. As the name already suggests, they are focused on build. This means there is code that can help in compiling plug-ins, building update sites, and so on. At the time of writing, most of the Tasks have a strong focus on Eclipse PDE1 projects .

The heart of the Build Library is the so-called TeaBuildChain.2 This heart is responsible for orchestrating builds. A build may consist of compiling projects (maybe containing a generator) , running generators, compiling more projects (containing ...

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