
A.1. Project planning the new platform1

After years of development and testing, we are today at the stage where the Knowledge Garden is in need of a complete overhauling. In its current version, the Knowledge Garden is more of a prototype than a tool in the sense that only its designer masters its uses. We are challenged with an overgrown bramble, with multiple entanglements and snags of all kinds, rather than the contemplation of tidy perspectives afforded by, say, a French garden. The Knowledge Garden is a work in progress [ECO 79] whose manufacturing secrets are perfectly readable due to its availability through Open Source, but also perfectly opaque due to the complexity of the implementations. Here is undoubtedly one of the crucial problems of the relationship between Art and Science, that of the reproducibility of experience, or to put it another way, that of the complete explicitation of intuition.

The purpose of this appendix is to plan and budget the development of a new version of the Knowledge Garden by guiding this project towards the realization of a collective intelligence platform for the development of digital educational resources.

A.1.1. Objectives

To complete this Knowledge Garden redesign, we shall break this project down into five main sub-objectives.

A.1.1.1. Monitoring science and technology

This first objective aims to gather the most up-to-date information for six scientific and technological fields. This monitoring work will make it possible ...

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