
The contents of this book represent a snapshot of the current state of understanding of the ICM Gathering companies as they continue the journey they began in 1995. At that time, seven companies met to share ideas about “Intellectual Capital” and how to manage it. The group has been meeting three times each year and continues to share its ideas on new and better ways to create and extract value from intangibles such as intellectual property. To fully acknowledge all of the people who contributed to the concepts and best practices in this book, we must thank everyone who has ever participated in a Gathering meeting, because each meeting inevitably produced counterintuitive insights into all aspects of intellectual property management.

Additionally we would like to thank the members of the Executive Forum for their insights into the emerging patent transaction marketplace and their assistance in standardizing the information required to conduct patent transactions more efficiently.

We are particularly indebted to two groups of people: the current membership of the ICM Gathering who defined and described the current best practices for IP management, and the company executives who took the time to be interviewed for this book from January through April 2011. Their candid descriptions about how they and their companies applied the best practices or basic principles in everyday operations, as well as their successes and failures, deserve our special thanks: Seungho Ahn, ...

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