Chapter 8. “Film It Up” with Composite Modes and Filters

<authorgroup>TOM MEEGAN</authorgroup>

Good, clean footage is a joy to work with, but producers and clients often ask for a look that is... well, less than clean. For instance: “Make it sweet, glowy, you know, satiny,” or maybe, “grungy and industrial,” or the ever popular, “Just film it up.”

I imagine responding with, “The colorist will take care of that. Let’s just get the content down for the online edit.” However, in real life the effects are all up to me.

I work on events with a short turnaround time: The project that starts in the afternoon often airs at eight. I am logger, editor, audio mixer, graphic designer, edit maintenance, and colorist. Most of you know what I’m talking about. FedEx ...

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