Chapter FourteenTaking Action: A New Paradigm of School Strategy
Left Denver in heavy rain, making time on I-70 East just shy of the Kansas border. Every warning light explodes in neon green on the dashboard of my Prius. Slow down and hug the side of the highway. Bad luck; this section of the highway is under construction so there is no shoulder. Big rigs blowing by with a foot or two to spare kick up a gritty mist. Next town: Goodland, Kansas. One mechanic, pull in, lots of big diesels, tractors, nice folks, but no one in the good town of Goodland knows much about Left Coast hippie hybrids. Scan the engine computer. Call the Toyota dealer in Denver. Something about an inverter and cooling. Recommends I “get it to a dealer.” Gee, thanks; nearest ...
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