Creating an Ansible role for CloudWatch logs

To send our logs to CloudWatch, AWS provides a daemon called awslogs. We are going to install and configure it through Ansible.

Go into your ansible roles directory:

$ cd ansible/roles  

Create a new role called awslogs:

$ ansible-galaxy init awslogs
- awslogs was created successfully  

We will first edit the task file awslogs/tasks/main.yml. Our first operation will be to install the package. For that, we will use the yum module:

# tasks file for awslogs  
- name: install awslogs 
    name: awslogs 
    state: present 

We will want to configure the service dynamically with Ansible. For that, we will want to create a handler to restart awslogs when the configuration changes.

Edit the file awslogs/handlers/main.yml ...

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