We will create a new script in our EffectiveDevOpsTemplates repository and call it vpc-cf-template.py.
We will start with our usual boilerplates:
"""Generating CloudFormation template.""" from troposphere import ( GetAZs, Output, Parameter, Ref, Select, Sub, Tags, Template, GetAtt ) from troposphere.ec2 import ( VPC, InternetGateway, NetworkAcl, NetworkAclEntry, Route, RouteTable, Subnet, SubnetNetworkAclAssociation, SubnetRouteTableAssociation, VPCGatewayAttachment, EIP, NatGateway, ) t = Template() t.add_description("Effective DevOps in AWS: VPC, public and private subnets")
This template will require providing a parameter for the CIDR. We will create our subnets on the private (non-publicly ...