—If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants. | ||
--Sir Isaac Newton |
[biblio01div01entry01] [Alur/Crupi/Malks] Core J2EE Patterns (2nd ed.), by and . Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley, <year>2003</year>. A good collection of implementation idioms specific to the J2EE platform. The second edition includes revisions to reflect common terminology, among other things. The first edition, which contains some patterns not included in the second edition, was published in 2001.
[biblio01div01entry02] [AJP] Applied Java Patterns, by and . Palo Alto, CA: Sun Microsystems Press, <year>2002</year>.
[biblio01div01entry03] [Bernstein/Newcomer] Principles of ...
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