Appendix CDBMS_CRYPTO Performance Test Results
Tests performed on WinXP running on Dell laptop with a Pentium M processor 1600MHz and 1GB of RAM. The tests were done to show relative performance times and the database and operating system were not optimized for the tests. The following represents timings for 20 bytes of data encrypted 1,000,000 times with various algorithms, block modifiers, and padding schemes. The SQL to generate the timings is displayed at first to allow you to understand how the numbers were calculated. The output of the SQL script files is then turned off to abbreviate this listing.
Clock times and CPU times are bolded.
sec_mgr@KNOX10g> SET linesize 70sec_mgr@KNOX10g> SET pagesize 9999sec_mgr@KNOX10g> SET feedback offsec_mgr@KNOX10g> SET verify off ...
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