CHAPTER 4Stakeholders for the Modern SEO and Organic Content Process
Now that we have walked through the modern organic process that can optimize free traffic levels to your brand, it's time to start thinking about the modern-day team structure that's needed to execute an effective organic program.
SEO and organic content are not a one-person show. It takes a diverse set of talents and expertise to execute a full-service, effective program. Traditional SEO was basically one expert and minimal support. The SEO expert was in charge of compiling consultative deliverables (primarily website audits and HTML recommendations).
As search engines have evolved and the process has gotten much more complicated, it's necessary to evolve that structure. There are several roles needed to fulfill a modern organic and SEO process. The dotted lines typically are not direct reports to the SEO expert but instead work closely with them to ensure program success and effectiveness. Oftentimes, it's not possible to have all these roles as part of the project team, but when possible, try to enlist the team members and structure shown in Figure 4.1.
This chapter details each person's role on an SEO and organic content project.
SEO Expert
As the quarterback, traffic cop, and ultimate owner of the project, the SEO expert is in charge of driving the strategy; ...
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