8Finite Multirate Elastic Adaptive Loss Models

In this chapter, the characteristics of the input traffic are the reverse of those in Chapter as far as the bandwidth requirement and allocation are concerned. We consider multirate loss models of quasi‐random arriving calls with fixed bandwidth requirements and elastic bandwidth allocation during service. The same traffic characteristics but of random arriving calls are considered in Chapter .

8.1 The Elastic Engset Multirate Loss Model

8.1.1 The Service System

In the elastic EnMLM (E‐EnMLM), we consider a single link of capacity images b.u. that accommodates elastic calls of images service classes. Calls of each service class images come from a finite source population images. The mean arrival rate of service‐class k idle sources is images, where images is the number of in‐service calls and is the arrival rate per idle source. The offered traffic‐load per idle source ...

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