Chapter 3. The Implementation Guide

  • What is Ektron's approach to the Development Lifecycle?

  • What is an implementation guide?

  • What is in the OnTrek implementation guide?

  • What Best Practices do you use when creating an implementation guide?

The implementation guide is an important step in building any website. It defines a set of expectations that the development team can follow to produce a fully functioning website that meets the needs of the business for which the site is being built. Ektron implementation guides may differ slightly from what you are familiar with on other ASP.NET projects, just as the way developers approach Ektron projects differs from standard ASP.NET projects. These differences are discussed in the first section of this chapter.

Following the discussion on the Ektron approach, this chapter describes the implementation guide in detail, and discusses the OnTrek implementation guide in particular. These sections describe the content of the guide, and walk through some example components of the document. You'll also walk through the steps for creating an implementation guide; each section is fully discussed so that in the future you can document your projects ahead of time.


The full implementation guide for the OnTrek site is available for download at this chapter will only cover a small subset of the functionality in the implementation guide. Also note that the document is designed to convey the minimal information necessary for a developer to implement ...

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