Chapter 2
Programming in PBASIC
In This Chapter
Discovering the essentials of the PBASIC language
Working with variables and constants
Adding IF-THEN-ELSE logic to your programs
Looping with DO
and FOR
This chapter is about the exciting but somewhat intimidating topic of computer programming. Specifically, it covers programming the BASIC Stamp microprocessor (which we introduce in Chapter 1 of this minibook) using its built-in programming language called PBASIC.
This journey into programming is fascinating but may seem rocky at times, because you need to grasp certain important concepts, which can be difficult to get your head around. But trust us: programming a BASIC Stamp microprocessor isn’t rocket science. You can and will get to grips with the tricky ideas, and when you do your imagination is the only limit to what you can get a BASIC Stamp microprocessor to do.
So grab your thinking cap, check in the mirror that it fits and you look suitably sharp, and get started.