Chapter 18
Ten Ways to Explore Electronics Further
In This Chapter
Trying your hand at ready-made project kits and other hobbyists’ circuit designs
Arming yourself with testing and simulation tools
Discovering the fundamentals of computer architecture
Delving into programmable microcontrollers and single-board computers
Ready to build on your newfound knowledge of electronics? Want to expand your horizons and create programmable electronics projects? This chapter provides you with a list of ideas for enhancing your electronics experience.
Surfing for Circuits
Thousands of project ideas are available on the Internet. Use your favorite search engine to find projects in topics or specific parts that interest you. For instance, search for simple audio circuits or 555 timer circuits to get loads of ideas — some with complete explanations, schematics, and photographs of a breadboarded circuit. Or choose an idea for a circuit and see if one is out there already. A search for door alarm ...
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