© Neil Cameron 2021
N. CameronElectronics Projects with the ESP8266 and ESP32https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6336-5_2

2. Intranet camera

Neil Cameron1  
Edinburgh, UK

The ESP32-CAM module is based on the ESP32-S microcontroller and includes a 2M-pixel OV2640 camera and a micro-SD (Secure Digital) card slot. JPEG files of images are stored on the micro-SD card or loaded to a web page or streamed to a web page on a computer, Android tablet, or mobile phone.

The ESP32-CAM module (see Figure 2-1) contains serial TX and RX pins, six pins associated with the micro-SD card, and a COB (Chip on Board) LED, which flashes when taking a photo, and a red LED, ...

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