6.12. Markets with high-entry barriers: monopoly and the Cournot duopoly model

In the previous Sections 6.10 and 6.11, we have analyzed how the firms behave in competitive markets with low-entry barriers.
We now turn the attention to the following two competitive markets with high-entry barriers.
  1. • Monopoly.
  2. • Oligopoly (as analyzed in the classical Cournot Duopoly Model).


The monopoly is characterized by the following points:
  1. • single seller;
  2. • no goods substitutes;
  3. • high barriers to entry (e.g., legal, economic, capital requirement barriers, etc.).
  4. • downward sloping demand, as in the monopolistic market.
In the monopoly we have the same objective function to maximize, as in the monopolistic market:
max ...

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