Manage Information Overload
Technique #16: Develop and Implement Strategies to Help Alter Behavior and Habits That Will Reduce Your Feeling of Information Overload
I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that nowadays, more so than ever, information comes at you from multiple directions all day long. You feel like an out-of-breath hamster that doesn’t know how to stop the wheel from turning so fast. Chances are that you’re not done with your work when you leave the office at the end of the day—because you are still returning phone calls and answering e-mail. While I believe everyone is aware of this, many company cultures force people to make compromises. Solopreneurs and entrepreneurs may find themselves in a slightly different situation—one where they must do something on a weekend or evening. However, because you are the boss in this scenario, you can take time off when needed. It’s easier for you to take whatever free time for yourself is necessary during the work week to compensate for the time you spend working on evenings and weekends.
I don’t think anyone will ever be able to come up with the perfect way to stop feeling information overload; however, there are techniques you can use to alter your behavior and habits to make the workday a bit less chaotic. Some of these behaviors involve setting boundaries, turning off the background distractions, and reestablishing expectations. I recently had a conversation with a marketing executive who lamented about all of the electronic ...