What’s Next?

We started this process by emptying our backpacks on the ground. We then took note of the things that were keeping us from being able to operate at the elite level, and began exploring what structures we can place in our lives to make us more disciplined in our approach of bringing our vision into reality. We’ve explored different mental toughness tactics that we can employ to face our internal negative demons and their desire to make us all victims of the game. We then replaced those thoughts with positive thoughts, positive actions, and positive people. We have discussed embracing challenge and disruption in an effort to keep our blades sharp while building mental benchmarks that we can use to achieve our goals. Not bad for a day’s work.

What is important to remember is that none of this matters without action. Words vanish and motivation dissipates like a vapor in the air. Action is required. Not tomorrow, we do not know if we will even have a tomorrow. Action matters here and now. What can you do today to improve? As I said before, stop worrying about being right and get excited about being better today than you were yesterday.

You’ve let go of apathy, laziness, and excuses. After all, life is too short to settle for anything less than being elite.

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