List of Figures
Chapter 1. Welcome to Elm
Figure 1.1. Elm files are compiled to plain old JavaScript files.
Figure 1.2. Comparing an Elm if-expression to a JavaScript ternary
Figure 1.3. The else-if technique: use an if-expression as the else branch of another if-expression.
Figure 1.4. Using String.filter to remove dashes from a US phone number
Figure 1.5. Anatomy of the wild let-expression
Figure 1.6. Calling the - operator in both infix style and prefix style
Figure 1.7. (==) gets evaluated after (+) and (-) because it has lower precedence.
Chapter 2. Your first Elm application
Figure 2.1. Intermingling element DOM nodes and text nodes
Figure 2.2. Representing a button using HTML markup (top) and Elm’s node function (bottom)
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