Appendix 9 Facades of Appliances (Case Study)

This appendix presents a few examples of recommendations for product design and making the right choice.

A9.1. Meaning of symbols

The presence of symbols, images or pictographic signs must not lead to any difficulty of interpretation, which can cause frustration or lack of interest, and should not lead to any misinterpretation or confusion, particularly in the case of an emergency or lack of attention. Pictograms (which designate an object with a distinctive and stylized model based on its image) are, in principle, not limited by the requirements of language. This allows, firstly, for them to be used wisely and without giving them a meaning that cannot be communicated by their nature, and secondly, for mindfulness of cultural elements which may lead to erroneous interpretations.

Regardless of the means used, it remains preferable in all cases to express the directions (instructions, warnings, degrees or state) in terms of and related to usage, rather than technical or instrumental aspects (heat rather than electric resistance; an air flow rather than a ventilator, for example).

The indications (usually made graphically) do not have to be present and visible in the best possible lighting conditions in order for them to be easy to locate, identify or read in real usage conditions (position in the space, lighting, shadowy areas, etc.). Furthermore, the lack of durability or the risk of temporary impairment (by dirt, for example) of ...

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